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Using RTF2FO converter allows you to create XML document that will look the same way as your original RTF document.
The resulting XML document will be built in strong compliance with XSL FO specifications that make it possible to convert it into other well-know formats, such as HTML or PDF using a variety of XSL FO processors. The converter can be used as a command line tool and via Java API calls.

For advanced users RTF2FO offers creating XSL FO form templates from RTF files and provides XSL Transformations (XSLT) for filling in the form fields with actual data.

It could be useful if you need to create a number of similar XML documents that are distinct in some fields only. In other words RTF2FO can be used in developing document management systems and dynamic content management solutions.
Download RTF2FO
  Commercial using of the RTF2FO evaluation version is forbidden;
Resulting documents contain evaluation version mark in the left page border.

With the RTF2FO evaluation version you can experience all features of the commercial edition before purchasing a license for commerce use.
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Improved web presence.
Using XML as a base format for creating your web content solves the problem of creating rich formatted documents
available at the same time in other popular formats immediately.

Reduced development costs.
Allows you to use less qualified workforce without compromising quality of your documents published.
Speed time to implementation.

Increased quality of the resulting documents.
Reduces quality losses in the process of converting compared to manual XML editing.